Following the chart-topping success of their music video collaboration, “Mera Dil Darda,” actor Sunny Kumar and director Dinesh Soi are teaming up once again for a brand new project titled “Gangster.”
“Mera Dil Darda,” a soulful love song featuring singer Altamash Faridi, captivated audiences with its picturesque visuals and Kumar’s captivating performance. Directed by Soi and produced by Deepak Diwan, the video garnered immense popularity, garnering praise for its scenic backdrop shot in the stunning locales of Karjat, India.
Capitalizing on this momentum, Kumar and Soi are now ready to delve into a different genre with “Gangster.” Details about the project remain under wraps, but the announcement has already generated excitement among fans.
“The incredible response to ‘Mera Dil Darda’ has been overwhelming,” expressed Kumar. “Collaborating with Dinesh was a seamless and enriching experience, and I’m thrilled to be working with him again on ‘Gangster.’ We’re eager to embark on this new journey and present something unique and captivating for our audiences.”
Soi, known for his visionary storytelling, echoed Kumar’s enthusiasm. “Sunny’s dedication and talent were instrumental in the success of ‘Mera Dil Darda,'” he said. “With ‘Gangster,’ we’re venturing into unexplored territory, and I’m confident that our combined vision will translate into something truly special.”
The announcement comes amidst Altamash Faridi’s rising popularity. His previous collaboration with Soi and lyricist Salim Khan, featuring actress Mansi Yelne, also received positive acclaim.
With “Mera Dil Darda” still fresh in their minds, the anticipation for “Gangster” is palpable. With Kumar and Soi’s proven talent and Faridi’s growing stardom, the project promises to be an exciting addition to the Indian music scene.
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